The summer season will soon be in full swing! Although people from Brownsville, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana and from Galveston to Austin, Texas and everywhere in between are still recovering from Hurricane Harvey, it is time to prepare for the 2018 hurricane season.
According to a study performed by the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University (CSU), the 2018 hurricane season may be above average in activity due to the current weak La Niña. Please keep this in mind and take precautions to protect yourselves, your families, and your homes.
This prediction sounds daunting, but there might be a silver lining to the forecast and perhaps a reprieve for us in the Gulf! CSU’s study determined that Texas as a whole has a 41% chance of experiencing a hurricane impact with only15.4% of the impact developing into a major hurricane.
Other calculations indicate a high chance of tropical storms making landfall, resulting in severe rain and wind. Of course, we would all be happy without any such storms but always be prepared with adequate water, food, lighting sources, medical needs, etc., and most importantly, a plan of action in case of emergency.
If you are still dealing with issues associated with your property insurance as a result of Hurricane Harvey, please contact Mortgage Elite Specialist Services! We will either answer your questions or refer you to those who can.
Our experienced and knowledgeable team of public adjusters at Morgan Elite Specialist Services offers honest and professional advice in your best interests and can earn policy holders an additional 200%-300% on their claims! Contact us today at 855-445-343-04, email, or visit
Please note that while some insurance companies are very reputable and ethical in their claim processing, others are not. At times we speak of difficult scenarios to inform the public of situations we deal with on a continual basis and we strive to recognize problems, find solutions, and offer assistance.
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