Texas has recently experienced an inordinate amount of destructive storms across the state producing hail sizes of all kinds. One resident reported that hail pelted through the roof decking and ceiling of his home, damaging inside kitchen appliances. Several hours later, the hail still measured three inches!
Hail storms of this magnitude require experienced, professional, and licensed insurance adjusters who can adequately determine the loss and compensation per the insurance policy. The team of certified and insured Public Adjusters at messtx.com are professionally trained on insurance laws and will manage every detail of your claim.
Unfortunately, unqualified ‘helpers’ are perusing neighborhoods offering repair work. Please be cautious. Texas Policy Holder Advocates have begun a campaign to protect you, the insured, from falling victim by requiring licensing for general contractors and roofers.
To learn more, please visit: http://www.texaspolicyholderadvocates.org/ Scroll down to find
Support Licensing for Texas General Contractors and Roofers at change.org.
The following is a letter that was sent to the Texas Governor, Texas State Senate, and Texas State House in support of this cause and petition:
- Letter to
- Texas Governor
- Texas State Senate
- Texas State House
- License Texas General Contractors and Roofers
Texas does not currently license roofers, general contractors, restoration companies, insurance appraisers or umpires. Right now, a criminal who lives outside of the US with no experience can technically operate in any of these roles.
Skills and trustworthiness should not be optional.
Deceptive advertising, fake licensing and aggressive sales tactics should not be permitted.
We are in favor of…
- Background Checks
- Testing
- Continuing Education
- Requiring insurers to pay overhead and profit on all claims.
- Reduction of unnecessary litigation
- General Contractor or Roofer’s company name on all insurance checks
- Reciprocity with other states that currently license GC’s and Roofers.
Enforcement of unscrupulous general contractors needs the support of licensing and an oversight of a state agency.
In 2014, the Texas Department of Insurance Fraud Unit received approximately 13,341 fraud reports, highest number in the unit’s history. Far too many unsuspecting consumers misplace trust with unscrupulous roofers and general contractors that can lead to theft, poor workmanship, insurance fraud, and unnecessary litigation. Fraud, barratry, and unnecessary litigation is costing Texans not only in high insurance premiums but also reduced coverage. The citizens of Texas as well as the legitimate general contractors and roofers whose businesses are based in Texas support licensing. Help us protect the Texas consumer, home and businesses owners.
If you think your roof or other areas of your property have been damaged due to severe weather, contact Morgan Elite Specialist Services to hire professional, reliable and trustworthy professional Public Adjusters for your claim settlement! Our certified and professional Public Adjusters will determine if damage has occurred and is covered under your insurance policy.
CALL TODAY: 855-445-3404