Do I need a TX Public Adjuster to handle my insurance Adjuster?

Following a disaster loss, many home and business owners find themselves in a completely foreign situation. Coping with the stressful circumstances and filing an insurance claim can be an emotional, overwhelming, and confusing process and policy holders often call upon their insurance agent or an attorney for assistance.

The role of an insurance agent is to report the loss to the insurance company who, in turn, assigns an adjuster to the claim. These adjusters will most likely try to limit the financial liability of the insurance company.

Policy holders sometimes seek the legal advice of an attorney in order to protect their interests. While these professionals are informed and educated in their individual areas of expertise, it is probable that they do not possess exclusive knowledge as claims processing advocates.

​Public insurance adjusters are licensed, educated, and experienced claims processing advocates who offer assistance and value to a property owner following a loss. A qualified public adjuster is extensively trained in the claims process as well as insurance policies and their conditions and guide policy holders through the claims procedure with strength and surety. Public adjusters work solely to protect the best interests of their clients.

There are many benefits in utilizing public insurance adjusters to protect your valued property following a loss:

  • Possess extensive knowledge in the interpretation of insurance policies and apply local laws to individual situations.
  • Know construction standards specific to the area; insurance companies may be required, per policy, to ensure your home/business complies with local construction standards as demanded by law.
  • Lessen the pain of the claim! Public adjusters assume responsibility for the time-consuming paperwork and remain in constant contact with the insurance company.
  • Property detectives: public adjusters thoroughly search for any damage or loss associated with a claim and negotiate with the insurance company adjuster to protect your interests.

Contact our professional and licensed team of public adjusters to save time and stress, receive a fair claim payment, and protect your valued property! 855-445-3404