Harvey definitely came out of left field for us in the Houston and surrounding areas. What was originally only supposed to be only a category 3 hurricane, turned into a category 4 at the last minute. Harvey also had the unique feature of coming in between two high pressure systems that slowed him down to crawl, dumping trillions of gallons of water onto the Texas gulf coast line, earning Harvey the ‘500 year storm’ label.

While there are no official statistics or numbers, thousands of Texans have experienced loss and of those, most have been displaced to shelters, hotels, homes of those closest to them, or homes of caring strangers. The flooding of some areas is so severe, it will likely be days before the water recedes enough for anyone to be able to access their property to asses any damages. The damage to thousands of properties is so severe, it will be months of hard work and rebuilding before they can go back to live in or offices worked in. Because the damage and devastation is so wide spread, it’s important now more than ever to help each other through the process of picking everything up again, rebuilding, and helping others regain quality of life.

We also would like to offer our services.  As Public Adjusters, licensed in the state of Texas, we can do the following.

Consultations and inspections are free. We can let you know based off of your insurance policy what and how much of your damaged property should be covered.

Insurance for your insurance. We work for you, not the insurance. When you hire us, we help ensure the insurance company is treating you right. It’s our job to make sure they’re covering everything due to you according to your policy. This can be difficult to determine and stressful without help. Often times people are unaware that there is anything else that can be done. There is, you can hire us to represent you and negotiate your claim on your behalf we will be there for you every step of the way working your claim and navigating this difficult time with you.

We have a proven track record. On average, we get our clients 30% more on their claims than if they were to not use us.

We’re in the same boat as you. We’ve experienced losses and mistreatment from insurance companies first hand and through those closest to us. We understand the importance of being treated fairly . We are policy holder advocates. We hold your best interests at heart. We are here to help you.  Give us a call.