If you live in Texas within a 200 mile radius from the gulf, you may have experienced the plague of torrential downpour we have experienced since the beginning of 2016. Well, more rain is predicted for this week and complicating the situation even further, hurricane season is in full swing with no sign of stopping!

Tropical storms, depressions, and hurricanes will not only bring added rainfall and flooding, but also strong winds and possible cold fronts. High mileage wind gusts along with driven rain can cause excessive damage to homes and property. Sudden changes in temperature can likewise dangerously compromise pipes and other sensitive components. Being adequately prepared is imperative to ensure safety and minimal property damage when disaster strikes. Following are a few suggestions to help you be ready for future storms:

  • Inspect your home: Complete a self-inspection or call a professional to make sure your water pipes are working properly with no leaking faucets, running toilets, or unusually high water bills, and also check for cracks/leaks in the ceiling, walls, and windows. Consult a plumber when a cold front is pending to verify that your pipes are prepared for the stress. If any part of your home is compromised prior to severe weather, additional damage may be incurred that could have been prevented.

Take precautionary measures to safeguard your home if it lies in the general path of a hurricane. Board up windows and tie-down or put away anything that is not fixed to the ground outside such as patio furniture, dog houses, etc.

  • Have a plan: Ask yourself these important questions: What is my plan of action during a storm? Am I prepared? Always store sufficient food, water, first aid supplies, and other important articles. For more information on storm preparedness, go to
  • Check the provisions of your insurance policy: If damage to your property is imminent or has occurred due to wind, rain, hail, or flood, it is critical to check directly with your insurance agent or company and understand the specifics and coverage of your policy! From a personal perspective, it never ceases to amaze me how many policy holders are unknowingly under-insured.

As always, Morgan Elite Specialist Services is here to help! Our certified public adjusters will assist with issues such as translating your policy, misinterpretation, and failing to honor policy provisions. We offer consultations free of cost.