If you have an insurance claim due to Hurricane Harvey and your insurance provider is TWIA, then please be aware that there may be a timeline that has either passed or is approaching depending upon the date of written notice from the insurance company.
The Texas Department of Transportation Commissioner’s Bulletin # B-0033-17 states that “a claimant will have 120 days to demand appraisal after receiving TWIA’s written notice accepting all or part of a claim arising from Hurricane Harvey.” This means that after 120 days have lapsed from their determination, you are barred from any further action on your claim.
We urge all policyholders who have a pending Hurricane Harvey claim with TWIA to evaluate the date of their last received correspondence or determination from TWIA to make sure you are within the 120 day deadline.
Please contact us if you are unhappy with the TWIA outcome. While we may not be able to help due to the time restriction, our licensed and experienced public adjusters will be happy to discuss your rights and options. We can also assist with Hurricane Harvey claims with different insurance companies or any other weather related claims.
Our knowledgeable team of public adjusters at Morgan Elite Specialist Services offer s honest and professional advice in your best interest and can earn policyholders an additional 200-300% on their claims! Call us today at 855-445-3404 or email claims@messtx.com.
It is important to note that some insurance companies are very reputable and ethical in their claim processing while others are not. We speak of these scenarios to inform the public of situations we deal with on a continual basis and strive to recognize the problems, find solutions, and offer assistance.